Wanted Listings
Accommodation & storage safe and dry, storage rooms i am looking for storage room for most of my furnisher while i am looking for a bungalow. if you can help please contact me. cams and £ we can sort out, Clets 0426. (to be agreed cams) Administration: Business Communications Looking for help with communications and organising admin. (20 cams cams) Fast & professional typist Good working typewriter I need a typewriter to loan or buy. It needs to be in good working order. Arts & Crafts: knitting/sewing Mending The moths have had a go at four of my favourite winter cardigans. I'm hoping someone might be able to darn them neatly. As it is still summer (I think!) this is not urgent but I'd like them done before the winter.
Also, I have sheets which are worn in the middle but otherwise okay and need someone to cut them in half, turn sides to middle and sew together, hemming as needed. Sewing Machine lessons/mending - Ceri I have a new all singing all dancing sewing machine and need someone to help me learn the steps from thw slow waltz of mending and taking up hems to the Tango of creating my own clothes, either from scratch or by recycling old garments. (10 Cams cams) Arts & Crafts: other Basic Book-binding I have a number of paper-bound books (vocal scores) which need basic 'repair' - ie strip off old spine cover, re-glue spine and attach new soft cover - using thick paper.
It's not really book-binding, more just DIY. (10C cams) portrait photograph I need someone to take a good portrait photp of me for the back of my novel. Must be done before Saturday 7th December. phone or camera, just as long as it makes me look okay! David Building & DIY: equipment Moving bulky items. Sometimes we have items that need moving that are not straightforward for us. E.G. Currently we have an IBC that needs to be moved to the back garden from the front of the house. (10 Cams cams) Ms Glue gun loan wanted urgently to apply sealant (already obtained) to a crack in a terracotta pot tomorrow (Friday 12th July). Or afterwards if not fulfilled on time. Thank you. Wheelbarrow Can I borrow a solid wheelbarrow fairly urgently from some kind soul ( for cams of course)
David 60 Building & DIY: help building plastering in small cupboard, artex bathroom ceiling, moving light switch 3'please (10 cams cams) Building We have been planning our new kitchen for longer than I like to think about! Also, from time to time building projects in the garden. (10 cams) Electrician Are there any electricians out there that could help please. My tv works but my arial doesent. Wanted advice on what to do or if they can fix arial for me please? Need to be qualified though!!!!! Help with oragnising garden shed and put up shelves Help with sorting out garden and putting up shelves (10 cams) Installing Fencing I need help installing some stock fencing so I can keep alpacas! (10 cams per hour cams) Needs small Electrical jobs around the house, Electrician needed for small jobs around the house plumbing Small plumbing jobs repair garden fence One panel of fence in my garden needs to be built. Also the fence in front of my house is rotten and needs to be replaced. I wonder if anyone can help. I am happy to pay cams or cash for the job.
(TBA cams) Small electrical repair I need a small electrical repair to a light socket, probs very easy for one who knows. Can you help? want help needed to lay a path in the garden. also looking for someone to help remove tree rots from under paving. (Cam 10 hour + cash cams) Editing/Writing/Translation Editing (online) Someone needed to edit a large number of short (template) adverts on amazon in English. These are for lovely plants and bulbs so you won't get bored but you do need to be quick because there are so many. Work from home. It's a simple log in process then work from an 'editing' page. Software is very user-friendly. Insight into marketing useful. Training given. (10 cams) Entertainment: Music edit very short phone videos and add music I have three very short ( total 4 mins) videos taken on the phone. I need to join and add music. Can you help? (cams cams) Events event hosting help needed looking for someone to help me with the up coming event on Sunday 6 August 2023, in my back garden. its a long garden so there will be a lot of walking to much for me, so if you can, it would very much be appreciated. also welcome to hear from anyone who can and is willing to help for the next month September event also in my back garden. i have put this request in the WhatsApp too.
Yolanda. CL0426, Tel 07305305317. (share the 20 cams) Food & Cooking Bread maker Cooking Apples - Aug-Nov only August-November only - maybe to January if I have a bumper crop!
Variety: Howgate Wonder
(large, typically 400g) (per kg: 3 cams) Host a group in France We're looking for 2 very capable caterers and
hosts to run a household of 8 writers on retreat who will need lunch and dinner prepared for them daily for 5 days from 15-20 June in France. We can pay cash and arrange and pay your fare by flight or train over
to south West France. Call David No 60 if this is you.
(cash/ cams cams) Jams and Chutneys, frozen fruit Blackberry, bramble jelly, Blackcurrent, Strawberry jam
Apple Chutney, Nellies Harvest Chutney
Apple sauce (jar) (5 cams cams) Round pastry cutters Gardening & Plants Blue bells and daffodils Coriander Plants Wanting coriander plant/s for planting outside. Something fairly well established and able to be used in cooking asap. Thanks. Cosmos plants Experienced gardener to prune low fruit tree Will pay petrol flower seeds Does anyone have any flower seeds, anything considered (except sweet pea which I have). Also I need compost/manure
David Garden landscaping & planning. Garden lifting I'm away and need someone to bring my geranium pots in for the winter. Involves some lifting, ideally for two people or easy with a wheelbarrow. (10 cams) garden plants wanted I have been unable to attend the trading events featuring plants sales due to these events falling on days that I work.
If you have any plants, decorative as well as veg, left over from the May trading event, please let me know. Thanks. Gardening I need some help with gardening. Gardening Is anyone available to help with maintaining my garden? General weeding and tidying. Grass cutting. Also pruning fruit bushes and trees. Even if you can only help with one of the above, please let me know! Gardening help After the builders have left, I need some help to put extra soil in bags to take to the tip and move a raised bed. Quite heavy work (10 cams) Gardening help I'd love some help to keep my garden tidy. Is there anyone who is willing to spend a couple of hours cutting, weeding, digging etc? I live near the Babraham Park and Ride Handy person & gardener (10 cams) heavy lifiting Hello I need someone with a strong back ( and maybe a wheelbarrow) to help me bring my big tubs of geraniums in for overwintering.
Needs to be soon 'cos of frost !
David No 60 Help with Weeding/ coppicing. As we do not use chemicals on our soil weeding is a necessary part of our allotment work. In winter there is some coppicing in the garden and will be on the allotment. (10 cams) Hessian, for repotting pond plant Hi, i am looking for more Hessian to use for repotting my pond plants. any shape or size would be helpful as i have run out and i am trying to finish the repotting.
Also has anyone got a pond hoover i could use to clear up the last bits at the bottom of the pond which i just can not get with the hand nets please call 07415765026 Kate Grillet I would like regular gardening help.
Massage. Pilates. Remedial Yoga (10 Cams an hour cams) Occasional plant watering If you live in the Milton Road/Chesterton Road area and are up for "greenhouse duty" at times when we are away (rarely!), we'd love to hear from you. (per hour, 10 cams) Veg garden harvest care We need someone to tend a very small veg patch in CB42HB Roseford Road once(or twice) a week mainly to pick spiniach and kale, wash and freeze it until mid -July.because or corona we cant ask you into the house ( we have a lodger) and you'd have to wash and freeze at your home. The quantities would not be large. (10 cams) Gardening: advice/equipment Help wanted 0426 Yolanda Guest help with big pond, cleaning, repotting plants, getting it back to life. (10 cams hour cams) advice on raised bed Need help/advice on how to construct a raised bed in my garden. (10 cams) advice wanted on lavender Need advice on how to rescue / replace damaged lavender. (10 cams) fruit picker for plums Has anyone got a fruit picker on a long pole so i can pick plums from the high branches of my tree in my garden. Need it now please!
Garden rotivator I need a rotivator for v. short period. Can collect Gardening My garden needs tender loving care, and I'd like to find someone through CamLETs who can help please. Initially pruning and cutting trees back, and then digging to create a small plot for growing vegetables. Loan of lawnmower or strummer MY garden week killer sprayer WHAT I WANT IS THE SAFE RETURNE OF MY WEED KILLER SPRAYER, IT IS BIG WHITE AND HAS WHEELS AND A LONG HANDLE AND IS A VERY EXPENSIVE ITEM OF MY.
0426, Yolanda Guest, 07305305317 (Honesty-Trust cams) Pond vacuum I need a pond vacuum, to clean out a rainwater storage tank. This could be a one-off job so it would be great to borrow rather than buying one new. I would also consider buying a used one for Cams.
(negotiable cams) SET UP A WATER HARVESTING SYSTEM I need help in setting up a water harvesting system, I think I have everything need just need help of someone who has done it before and can offer their knowledge, experience. (Negottiable, cams) Small trailer I need to take some things to Milton recyling centre in a trailer. I have no tow bar. Can you help? David WHEELBARROW needed Wheelbarrow required. My wheelbarrow is coming apart so I need to replace it, Please let me know if you have a used wheelbarrow in good condition please. Cams negotiable (15 cams cams) Goods: For Sale (one offs) Hand held electric whisk/blender Plastic topped glass jars Could camlets members collect plastic topped glass jars for me, please? And perhaps, contact me when they have 10, ideally of the same type. e.g. 100g coffee jars, small peanut butter jars, etc. Will agree cams with members? Please call (mornings only). (1 cams) Goods: Household Fish tank I'm looking for a smallish glass fish-tank if anybody has one ? (whatever you think cams) Somone to Visit Repair Shop Transition Cambridge I need someone to take a radio for repair on Saturday 15 February: Cambridge Repair Cafe at the Arbury Swap, Collect and Fix-Fest
11:00-14:00, Arbury Community Centre, Campkin Road CB4 2LD.
We'll be away so means picking up a radio from our Arbury-Chesterton home and taking it to Arbury. Thank you! Spin dryer Has anyone got a freestanding spin dryer for clothes? Goods: TV/DVDs/videos/CDs home videos to DVD converting Can you help me convert our family VHS videos to DVD? Before xmas please! Household: equipment Basic electrical repair We need someone who can tune, connect, test and possibly repair various electrical items.We can bring the items to you. (10 cams / hour cams) ms I am looking for some bellows.
Tel: 01223 861709 Household: help cleaning, decluttering and gardening help on 29 July 2023 I would like to have a spring clean next Saturday 29 July and I'm looking for someone who can help with cleaning and gardening. Decluttering Help decluttering and packing boxes Hello I am looking for a bit of help trying to pack books into boxes and perhaps also help decluttering and taking things to charity shops. (10 cams an hour cams) Help with coping at home Need occasional help with basic tasks, such as vacuuming and carrying things upstairs. (10 cams) Help with EBAY selling Can anyone help show me how to place items on eBay please ? Would like you to come to my house so we can take photos of the items. I have tried to do this but am obviously going wrong somewhere !
Housework Because of the amount of other things we take on, housework suffers from time to time so help with this much appreciated! (10 Cams cams) housework Required due to shoulder injury: clean 2 bedroom house, vacuum, shake mats, clean windows, wash kitchen floor etc. Histon Road area. Phone Cambs 362484. (10 cams ph cams) Laundry I'm looking for someone to help with laundry. Must be able to collect and drop off again (CB1). Radio repairs I have several portable radios (none very new) which are not working properly.
Is there anyone who'd be willing to have a look at them and see if they can be repaired? It may be a case of giving them a good clean. Personal: Beauty Care Men's Haircut Anyone care to cut my hair, once every few months? I offer good conversation, too! (10 cams) Personal: Companionship Being Read to - Ceri This makes some things much easier for a dyslexic. (10 Cams cams) Personal: Health Massage. (10-15 cams) Personal: Spiritual Angel Card Readings EFT (Tapping) Interested in psychic phenomenon Meditation (10 cams cams) Meditation in France Join our Mindfulness retreat in the French countryside for deep relaxation, health and creativity. Led by an experienced and inspiring teacher. Cams/cash (tbc cams) Would like to learn yoga & relaxation techniques Yoga Shopping Waitrose Christmas tree I’d like someone to go to Waitrose to buy me a Christmas tree. Please ring before 6pm & I will explain exactly what I want. Sports & Recreation Red roller skates I put out a pair of red roller skates at the November social & trading meeting & they went but the trade wasn’t recorded. Please can whoever took them contact me. Tennis rackets Tennis rackets for purchasing (Any cams) Technical: Computer/phone help Can you help me update my satnav? I need to update the maps on the satnav in my car, which involves formatting a microSD card on the computer, inserting it into the slot on the navigation system in the car and then re-connecting the SD card to the computer and updating the software. I know the installation will take several hours but if anyone can help me with the first few steps to get to that point, that would be great!
I live just off Histon Road. COMPUTER HELP Help needed with new office, and other web sits. (negotible cams) Computer security Need of occasional guidance with my computer. OK with basics, such as word processing and searching the web, but hopeless at solving technical problems. (10 cams) Excel Traning I need to improve my Excel skills. I have a basic understanding of the software but need to know how to use it more efficiently. (10 cams) facebook retrieval Need help retrieving my facebook data. It was set up with a now defunct email address. tried to change it but had to set up a new account but cannot transfer all the friends and history. There must be a way. Help! (10 per hr cams) Fixing a printer Is there anyone that can fix printers? I have new ink in my printer but it is printing blank pages... Help with a wix website I've created a wix website but it's not finished and I can't get some of the menus and podcasts to work. If someone has experience with websites and could help that would be great. Help with Excel and Word I need help creating a template around Excel, Word, and photos (10 cams) Help with iPhone I need help with my new iPhone from a patient person. Help with Website Design; Weebly, Wix etc I'm new to modern website design software - has anyone done this before? Happy to learn HTML etc. I would appreciate a leg-up to begin with, I'm a former computer programmer (in the 1980s) (15C cams) iPhone help Can someone help me set up and use my new iPhone? I live near the Babraham Park and Ride Linux help (mutual support?) I have a number of issues submitting bug reports, installing hardware drivers etc, that would benefit from somebody who's "been there before"
(10c cams) phone help hi, I am in need of some help to move all my photos from my Microsoft phone to iPhone, asap please. 0426. 07305305317 Yolanda (10 cams hour cams) Someone to fix my printer My HP Envy Photo 6230 printer is printing blank pages even though I´ve put new cartridges in. Is there anyone who could come to Milford St CB1 and try to fix it? It might need new a software update on the computer or might need cleaned. I read there are a few things that can be tried if someone has the patience to come and sit and try them. (10 cams) sort photo import In addition to scan problems, I also cannot import photos from my camera (Panasonic Lumix). It used to be simple, but now does not work since computer update. (10 cams cams) Transport: Bike Repair & Loan BICYCLE REPAIR - My old bicycle needs a thorough overhaul. Are you able to help please? transport items to charity shop Hello could someone with a car or a bike with a large trailer collect some boxes of bric a brac and take them to a charity shop for me? From Milford St to Burleigh St (8 cams) Transport: Bike Repair To check my bike. Transport: Lifts & Deliveries Collection of small objects by bike (10 cams per hr cams) Help with transport Personal transport occasionally, also trips to the tip. Lift to Burleigh Street I need a lift to take 2 very large bags to the Red Cross shop & myself & my hoover to the Vacuum cleaner shop. Lifts to Cambridge station We often require a lift to/from Cambridge rail or bus station for cams and petrol money. Next lift wanted 28 Jan (11 AM) and 12 Feb (8 PM) (10 cams / hour cams) Repair cafe We need someone to collect a radio from Roseford road and take it to the Arbury Repair Café on 15 Feb. Maybe you have something to repair too? trailer I need a person with a trailer regularly to take my garden waste and clippings to Milton recyling . I can unload. You just drive. CAN YOU HELP? trailer and driver for dump I need someone with a trailer or old van to take a big old carpet to the dump with me in Milton. Or put it in their allotment against weeds? David (10 cams) trailer or van wanted I need someone with a trailer (and tow bar) or large van or flat bed truck to help me take away some gardening waste (a pile of tree branches 2m x 1.50m) to Milton reycling. Happy do the labour, you just drive. David Tuition: Languages Arabic Lessons Is there anyone who could offer a half hour of arabic tuition here and there online or in person? Tuition: Other Creative Writing Experienced feedback and guidance on your creative writing (memoir, poetry, short story, novel or stage play). Want to Learn a Musical Instrument Would really appreciate any offers to teach me casual lessons in violin or cello or some similar musical instrument. (2 cams) Uncategorized Cams for Sterling £50=100cams Cams needed Would anyone like to donate a few cams to my account in support of the Green Party ? My account no 48 has become rather negative as I have paid out 150 cans in the past year for Green Party Leafletting. One member has already donated very generously to support the GP! COLLECTION OF ITEMS LEFT BEHIND AT EVENT A book 'Proof Of Heaven' & a black ladle were left behind at the May social & trading. Please collect if they belong to you General help Wanted someone to come to Burwell to do a variety of odd jobs such as moving furniture, clearing some cupboards at ground level., sorting papers. Usual rate of 10 cams per hour. Old christmas cards ill make them into new cards and sell them to you! can collect. (no cams cams) pond fish I have lots of pond plants but no fish, is there anyone who can offer me same fish to complete my freshly cleaned pond which is looking lovely now. 0426 Y.Guest. (to be worked out cams) Updates/News Phone number change Spike Jackson and Sara Hennessy (no.137) wish to inform members that they are no longer using their landline. To contact them for trading, please use the mobile phone numbers listed in their profile. Thank you. |